Monday, October 11, 2004

Cmere kiddy kiddy kiddy...

So i pissed off a bunch of Christians today by suggesting that priests molest little boys because, well, where else are they gonna get some? Masturbation is a sin - wow a human that actually has a nocturnal emission - and they sure as hell aren't banging their wife... What's the next best thing? Altar boys! Penile stimulation is a requirement if you wanna be human, if you don't get it, sexual urges can build up until they blow... All over a little kids face. Oh God, i went there. I don't think I"m suggesting anything profound here... If you use your penis solely for urinary means, you're gonna rape little kids. It's thaaat simple.

But anyways... I give it up to all the priests in the world, they're wonderful people. Just lay off the kids, k?

People just don't give a shit about the homeless. And I don't blame them. I mean, I feel sorry for them and all, but if you're gonna try to beg some jingle from numero uno then lo siento old man, these centavos aren't for you. Your beg is neverending but my bank account is, so you need to step away from this transaction and take your B.O along with you. But what if a clean shaven bum who scored a bath came up to you and was like, "good day sir, could I pardon you for pocket ruffle?" And he said it in an accent that was all British and cool as shit. I probably wouldn't question his motives, I mean either he's a bum or he's fucking with me, but if he's fucking with me then thats some crazy ass shit. And only bums are crazy enough to do that kind of shit. So I'd be like "yeah sure, no problem man, hey did you say you were gonna get a bite to eat?" And we'd have a grand over conversation, the type of shit you see on the BBC, as we sit sipping tea and discuss our varied cultures.