Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Its hard work being lazy

My laziness faces the constant, impending doom of productivity. You'd think laziness would be a breeze. Just sit back with a fine cup of tea and wait for whatever task comes round to impose itself on my self-proclaimed paradise of tranquility and immobility, decide whether or not the task is of a life and death matter - if life, continue sipping my tea, if death... ehh, time for a nap. So you can see, it's not the easiest thing in the world being lazy. There is alot of mental calculations, weighing out the pros and cons, and inaction taking place. Yeah yeah, there will always be haters out there, saying that I'm a lazy ass and that I should start doing something. Look all yall hatorade drinking type A personality twats, I don't mean to get all philosophical on yo bitchasses but you can never actually be doing NOTHING. You're always doing something, like eating, or listening to music, or smoking a ciggarette, or sipping iced tea. So sorrry you're all jealous, but like i said... My laziness faces the constant, impending doom of productivity. And that's stress enough for me.

Imagine if you will, living in a world free from any sense of ultimate, moral responsibility. A world, in which the only form of finger pointing involves giving directions, and getting cut off on the road, albeit annoying, seems too inevitable to scream about. Murderers would be absolved of their murderous deeds, terrorists dismissed of their vengeful actions. In essence, the criminal would paint out to be as much of a victim as his very own, victim. It would be a strange and forgiving world, foreign enough to be the work of science fiction. Unless, you talk to the determinist, who would proclaim that such a world is far from science fiction - it's simply science, and we're the ones living in fiction.