Friday, March 25, 2005


I was thinking today about the essence of the IDGAF. Pronounced id-gaf. Oh sorry, perhaps you're unaware of the IDGAF. IDGAF stands for I Don't Give A Fuck. I know the "A" technically shouldn't be there but for the sake of pronounciation I'll leave it. I have a poet's liscence - if you bust my balls about it I might just have to bleed you, real quietly, leave you here. Got that?

A certain wiseman commented on my lesbian post on how the IDGAF ideology applied to attracting females.

"The "I don't give a fuck" is very hard to fake and is also very different from the "Ignore." You must become one with the concept of not caring about shit. Mantras like "Whatever" or "It's casual" will help. Be not an active non giver of the fuck as in, "Fuck that bitch", instead project the mindset of, "I could fuck that OTHER bitch."

Indeed, I need to say no more.

But the beauty of the IDGAF is that it does so much more that get two potential chipmunks laid. It applies to many things, take this blog for example. I Don't Give A Fuck. I care of course. This blog adds a dash of color and sunshine to my day. It is the the two scoops of raisins in my bran flakes. It is my mama bird regurgitating the remains of a worm into my joyful little beak. But of course, IDGAF. I mustn't. What kind of blog would this be if I said, "No Greg, you mustn't talk about choking the beef or the stretch capacity of your anus, people have feelings and you must be gentle". How could I sleep with myself at night? I'd have to down a bottle of Tylenol PM just to sleep, all because I gave The Fuck.

Besides, I Don't Give A Fuck if you read me or you don't. Stop reading me, see if I care. I"ll still be the hipness. I'll still be cool. Go ahead and leave. (Doesn't that make you want to read me so much more? No? Well... it should)

What about if The Beatles gave a fuck? Helloooo, Revolver is only like, the greatest album ever made. Made precisely when they went to India, dropped their pop appeal, and stopped giving The Fuck. I love The Beatles lemme tell you. I'm suprised nobody accused them of being aliens for having such a gifted ability to write music from another world. And when I wake up my hair kinda looks like theirs. But my nose isn't big. Lots of them had big noses, or maybe that was just Ringo. He was always the outcast of the group, because drummers get no love. Actually they can and whatnot, I guess Ringo was just a bit ugly. What was I talking about again? I dunno, I don't give a fuck.

That was a cheesey attempt at coming full circle.