Wednesday, April 06, 2005

You Pervert

It's no secret that us men are perverts, but if we're all perverts, I guess that makes us normal. So it's no secret that looking at young girls is a normal thing to do, for us perverted men. We have our little rationalizations like, "if there's grass on the field, play ball" or, "if there's no grass on the field, play in the mud". We're just looking for ways to ease what conscience we have, because we understand that beauty has no age, although society tells us it does. But I will tell you all right now, I will not let society dictate my conscience or make me feel unecessary guilt!

Like the other day I was at the beach laying out, coppin a tan. I saw the most stunning, and I do mean stunning, female walking in my general direction from a pack of young lionesses. She was walking towards me like a supermodel. I didn't know supermodel walking was such a breeze on sand but I guess this girl was meant to be. Her body told me she was well into puberty, but her face told me she was still tender and young. As she walked by she shot me a glance, and call me a bloody liar if you will, but this look had, "Hey college boy, I want you" written all over it. It made my bejoogles tingle.

That look has been saved for future reference..

I'd estimate that she was about 17, a junior in high school. Me, I'm 20, a second year in College. A mere three years difference, what's the big deal? I'd say there is no big deal. I mean, I wouldn't touch her with a 10ft pole, for the sake of my dignity, but that's all there is at stake really. Oh yeah plus the law. But I thought, what if I were 50 years old or so, and in the same exact situation. I see no reason to believe that I would suddenly not find this young girl attractive.

As if some switch flipped in my head, and a voice came on demanding that I no longer find young booty appealing. "Greg you fucking 50 year old pervert, you will no longer find 17 year olds attractive, stick to hag bags. This is your brain speaking." I don't believe that happens, biochemically speaking. Must be social parameters, and screw parameters. Right? Hey don't throw tomatoes at me I only try to speak the truth.

If anything, an old man should be even moreso turned on by youngins. Afterall, we want what we can't have and we miss what days passed yonder. Now my dad is starting to make so much sense. My dad has hit on every single girl I've ever brought over to the house. My mom thinks its a disgusting display of perversion, I try to learn from the man. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Once a pervert always a pervert. Beauty has no age. Just be careful where you put things. A message brought to you by the Guilt Free Conscience Society of America.