Thursday, May 26, 2005

My answer

After posting my last entry, it occured to me that there's just been too much penis on this site lately. Not that anyone would ever get tired of penis, but I like to be diverse, and it seems that the only diversity this site has experienced is the diversity of different penises, with a post about music in the middle. So you may read my last post about bum penis if you'd like, it's short, slightly comical, and will serve you well if you haven't gotten your fill of penis for today...

Otherwise I have come up with the answer to the question I posed a few days ago. Would you rather be smoking hot or genius? My answer: smoking hot.

Sex kind of helped me figure this out with her most recent, thoughtful post. I figure that if money were the quintessential end and genius or beauty were the means, they're both suitable ways to acheive it. If I were beautiful I could model, not only that but beautiful people in general are more likely to be favored in the job market, or if all else fails i can marry a rich woman. If I were a genius, well, I don't have to say much there as far as money goes... So money isn't a problem either way.

If happiness were the end, as I believe it is, then I suppose neither beauty nor brilliance garauntees it. Wisdom and prudence, ya know all that buddha shit, are paths to happiness in my book. Neither are garaunteed by general intelligence, as they are intelligences in themselves - smart people commit suicide, case and point. Beauty does not garauntee happiness either as it's pretty stupid to think someone telling me, "you're hot" will make me one self-actualized motherfucker.

But "you're hot" does make me feel pretty damn pimp. And what about when the genius gets told, "you're smart"? They're a fucking genius, they'd probably be sitting there thinking, "yeah I know, i'm a fucking genius. If you only knew the half of it bitch, but in the end these brains aren't gonna make you wanna give me head so get out of my sight". And it's that whole prisoner of their own brain thing I'm weary about.

If i saw the world on some completely different level, and thought about crevaces of life that people didn't even know existed, what fun is that without anybody to share it with? Nobody would understand wtf you're talking about. That's some prison shit, especially considering how most geniuses are literally incapable of or averse to thinking about the simple things, or chattin it up with small talk. Sure there are other geniuses to exchange information with. But they're no fucking party.

And most people look up to geniuses and think, "oh that must be so fascinating to be in their brain". Well yeah if you were taking a fucking tour. Otherwise the genius knows one thing - how it is to be a genius, and from their perspective its all rather ordinary. And as they say, it takes one to know one, so the only people who would recognize your true genius is another genius, but you'd most likely be in competition with him so he's not there to suck your dick and buff your ego, he's trying to outsmart you.

I saw screw all the competition. Just make me hot, keep it simple, and fathers, bring me your daughters.