Thursday, January 13, 2005

G Smoov Breaking You Off Nice and Proper

I've been a hermit all week long. Never bothered charging up my dead celly, I haven't left the house since Monday, I've been watching the Science Channel and the History Channel religiously, I've only masturbated like once so far, and I've been waking up around 3-5 pm on a daily basis. Sounds like Greg is sad. I assure you i'm not. And no (goddamnit), it's not because I haven't gotten laid, it hasn't been THAT long - I'm not becoming a priest anytime soon. And contrary to popular belief, I don't think getting laid is such a panacea. Unless you're a sailor. Because it may cure horniness but it doesn't cure life, and it may buff egos but it doesn't buff like, sadness. I'm talking about cheap sex at least. But like I said before, I'm a man of passion. EXTREME PASSION.

Don't say a word SS@S, don't say a word....

And let me just lay down a disclaimer right now. This post is in no way an offshoot or indicative of any sort of depression, low self-esteem, or lack of passionate sex. Although my life currently lacks passionate sex, we are talking about biology here. Chemicals gone awry due to environmental and internal factors beyond my control and unknown as of this moment. And no, this is not denial talking.

And don't get me wrong, cuz I love people. Looove em. I think people are the greatest invention since the dinosaurs. Just feeling a tad bit hermetic. It's just the way my shit works.

I got some more wierd shit going on with me. I almost shed a tear watching a special on the tsunami tragedy. Can't you believe that shit? Almost shed a motherfucking tear. Usually i'm a cold, heartless bastard who laughs in the face of tragedy. I think i'm turning gay. Yeah, definately turning gay. Maybe my GQ apparel has rubbed me the wrong way. In the comment section just the other day Texas_gurl (hope you don't mind me putting you on blast) was talking about us lowering our flags half-staff in response to the tsunami victims. She didn't exactly agree with that move. What kind of gay shit spewed out of my mouth? And I quote, "An unfathomable amount of people just died... I've always been one of those people who gets upset when people mention shit like, "oh yeah, and 400 Americans died". Because once again i'm not a symbolic person and "American" is just that - something that helps us forget we're all human when it comes down to it". I don't say that kind of shit!! Do i really have a sweet, non-pessimistic side that I should no longer ignore and finally embrace?

Embrace these two nuts motherfucker.