Wednesday, February 02, 2005

It's about to pop off yo, its about to pop off.

So I'm supposed to be seeing a shrink for an ADD screening. Plus I'm nuts. But I won't be telling her about all that. I'm not real big on the whole sanity bit. I think my partial insanity gives me a bit of an edge, it works well with the ladies. Or maybe I'm just so sane I'm insane, hmmm? Kind of like a smart went crazy sort of deal. But anyways, i mention my attention inconsistancy because a pigeon almost got me into an accident today. You'd think I'd get used to seeing rats with wings flying around. You'd think they wouldn't distract me from my driving. But this one was different. He was like a Godfather pigeon. He had a sort of presence to him, a sort of charisma. He was also completely and utterly obese. He demanded my attention as he flapped his fat body across my horizen, and then I slammed on the brakes and came inches from hitting the car in front of me. Damn those charismatic pigeons! I always used to say my first major accident would be my fault, and it would be because some gorgeous chic grabbed my attention and made me forget I was driving. Now I realize all it takes is a fat fucking pigeon.

Zero comments on my last post! I guess calling Britney Spear's little sister hot and letting Micheal Jackson off the hook for touching little boys is going to far. But I didn't even get any anonymous comments telling me what a sick bastard I was. Actually I just realized I had anonymous comments turned off. So I turned them on. Now people can yell at me all they want, anonymously.

I like being yelled at. It lets me know I'm doing a good job at pissing off the world. Yell at me damnit!