Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Slap all the Katrinas you know.

First of all, I am not a slacker. I've been feeling incompetant lately, like everything I try to write sucks. I feel lethargic, tired, bloated, unfresh. I need someone I know to die so I can get some inspiration, ya know?

And Katrina. What a slut, she totally fucked all of New Orleans. Did you see Kanye West on that telethon? He said George Bush doesn't care about black people. I'm sure George Bush cares about black people, but not in big groups. It's a funny little phenomena. A couple of black people in the mall is fine. When black people take over the mall, we leave. But I could totally hang in a mall in, lets say, China town or Little Italy. Why are black people so intimidating. Is black a naturally intimidating color?

Either way though I love black people and this Katrina thing has me pissed because I know for a fact that race was an issue. It's definately not the only issue, this isn't strictly a black thing, it's also a poor thing, and an "Oh my fucking God look at all that damage what the fuck are we gonna do?" thing, and a too little police out there patrolling thing. But in the end, aesthetic means so much and these people are black. It would be rather ignorant to say race had nothing to do with anything.

900 Iraqis were stampeded to death and my initial reaction was, "how the fuck do 900 people die in a stampede?!". By all means of reasoning what happened was beyond tragic, but it didn't really strike a chord. It was a reminder that aesthetics and emotion will always be inextricably tied, nothing new, as long as I am human I will make distinctions based on arbitrary grounds. If it happens over there it's not as bad as if it happened over here. And if it happens to black people its not as bad as if it happened to us. Can we escape it?