I'm supposed to make a list of 99 things, but that might take too long and I'm tired. So i'll see how far I go.
1. I'm 5'7.
2. People have said I have nice lips.
3. For being half asian, i must say I have pretty big eyes. Wait that sounds so unsexy. They're open, warm, inviting, and thoroughly seductive.
4. I live with both my parents. This is what happens when you screw up real college, move back home, and go to a JC.
5. I've driven my mom close to insanity with my tendancy to get into trouble.
6. My dad knows the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
7. I live in a middle class home in a middle class neighborhood. The place is called Culver City and they supposedly filmed alot of movies here, back in the day. LAX, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and the strizeets of Inglewood (wesside nigga) are each about 20 minutes away.
8. I went to a private Jesuit all boys high school called Loyola. It was considered prestegious but looking back on it, they cranked out alot of dumbasses.
9. I used to be a hyperactive child.
10. I got into about 5 good fights in elementary school. I won them all. When I was a third grader I beat up a fourth grader, that was my favorite. His name was Wesely Barker and he stole my basketball.
11. I got voted best looking in eighth grade.
12. In eighth grade i played the lion in the Wizard of Oz for my school's play. My
two best friends played the scarecrow and the tin-man. Man, the girls really loved us three, we were the popular fellas.
13. In highschool I wasn't so popular. I was a loner, more or less, for about a year and a half. I was a wierd kid, I was a little bit too much "Greg" for some folk.
14. By junior year people got to know and love Greg. I was a funny little bitch.
15. I've had a very long history with drugs.
16. I smoked pot everyday for 2 years in high school. I don't regret it. It gave me alot of insight on the world around me as well as myself. I make incredible connections when I'm high.
17. I liked coke but speed was my drug of choice in college. I did it every other day for over a year straight.
18. In college I was kicked out of the dorms so I started living in an apartment with a 24 year old bipolar roomate. She didn't like the fact that me and some friends would do drugs all night so she told her brother I raped her so he'd beat my ass. He beat my ass. I dropped out of college and moved back home after this.
20. I've been arrested twice, both times on account of drugs. I face up to 3 years and 8 months if i mess up again. The first time i went I spent a day. The second time two weeks, orange PJ's and all. I got along well with the inmates.
21. The first time I've ever been constipated was in jail, because I was afraid of the steel toilet.
22. I'm still on probation but I get off in September. My felonies will be off my record too.
Me now
23. Fuck drugs. I've been clean for more than 6 months. I smoke the occasional joint.
24. I still have dreams about that shit though. Damn monkey won't get off my back and I have those nights where I have to muster up everything in me to tell myself no.
25. I like to drink but I never know how my body will react to alcohol. I have Asian Glow, which means my face turns extremely red when i drink. Pepcid AC helps cure this.
Enough of that
26. Even at the lowest of times I'm able to keep a smile across my face.
27. I feel that I am very in tune with the world around me.
28. Sometimes so in tune I feel detatched from other people.
29. My views usually differ from people so much so that I've learned to simply not give them anymore, unless someone asks or unless I'm on this blog. And even on this blog i try to spare you all.
30. I can get along with almost any group of people.
31. When I'm the center of attention, and when I'm trying to be funny, there is nobody else like me. I'm a funny motherfucker.
32. I have trouble conversing in groups of people sometimes because too many voices are hard for me to follow so I just say nothing at all.
33. I'm best when I'm 1on1 with someone. People say they can really let their guard down around me. I'm good at forming close-knit relationships. I am 100% drama free.
34. When a girl likes me, she always has to really really like me.
35. That scares me sometimes.
36. Alot of people think I'm really dumb because I often go about my life in child-like amusement.
37. I feel that I am more secure with myself than most people my age. I know for sure I know myself better than most people will ever know themselves.
38. Sometimes I just really want someone to understand me. And I want her to be attractive.
39. I will marry her.
40. Women. I have a fairly pathetic sexual past. I blame marijuana and overprotective parenting, along with bad luck, my own pussiness, a goodguy appearance, and having a bunch of friends who were hotter than me.
41. I do however, at least have a sexual past.
42. It started for me in the 8th grade bathroom. Nobody told me I should close my eyes when I kissed. I was slurping away with my eyes bulged out like a fish, and the girl told me to close them. She was a good teacher.
43. I have an undeniable feminine side. I acknowledge it and i'm in touch with it. I would never, however, "experiment" with my sexuality because swinging that way isn't my bag baby.
44. I am however, mesmerized by how good looking Brat Pitt is.
45. I have no concept of regret.
46. I believe there should be no obsessing over the shoulda/woulda/couldas, because they never coulda/woulda happened in the first place.
47. This technically makes me a determinist.
48. I'll spare you on my feelings on Free Will, but the concept makes me cringe.
49. I can't stand judgemental people.
50. If someone told me I did drugs because I was weak willed, I might just have to punch them in the face.
51. I'd like to see them try to sort out their uncalled for urges that just won't go away.
52. Assholes
53. I hold absolutely no supernatural beliefs.
54. I am an extremely moraled person.
55. I think too fucking much.
More shit.
56. I was diagnosed with a severe case of attention defecit disorder.
57. I'm taking non-amphetamine based Stratera for it.
58. I works, more or less, but I still can hardly focus.
59. I get mad when people say ADD is over-hyped or a myth.
60. I understand psychology better than any other subject on the planet.
61. I cannot do math, never have, never will.
62. I never learned my times tables.
63. I can multiply by 2 and 5.
64. I got a 0.0 when I was going to college in Fullerton.
65. My gpa is about a 1.3 right now.
66. I just don't give a shit.
67. I'm starting to now and the medicine is helping.
68. Before I lost it all to drugs, I used to have one of the best bodies I've ever seen.
69. Now that I'm off drugs, I'm working right now to get that body back.
70. It will be mine.
71. No really. I used have the body of a Hane's underwear model. A guy once asked me to become a calendar butt model outside the gym.
72. I declined because I refuse to shave my ass hair.
73. I've had my appendix removed, it was my only time in hospital other than one time when i got stitches for crackin my head on a flower pot.
74. Stanely Kubrick is my favorite director.
75. It takes me forever to learn my lessons.
76. I wouldn't consider myself "wild" but I definately know how to have a good time.
77. I love being the center of attention.
78. Although I have a horrible habit of saying the first thing that pops into my head. It's usually some pretty twisted shit.
79. My first job was testing video games for Activision. It paid 9 bucks an hour.
And more.
80. I think I'll be a dream fucking husband and an ideal father.
81. I want a boy and a girl.
82. I still don't know what I want to do with my life and I have bad competance issues.
83. I think i just need to get out into the world more.
84. Understandably I've had alot of hold backs.
85. I just don't give a shit.
86. I feel very attatched to all people. I like saying hi to strangers.
87. I am the most outgoing hermit you will ever meet.
88. I'm a tad bit shy, extremely introverted, but somehow I know so many goddamn people.
89. I want people to dress sexy at my funeral.
90. I think people are most impressive when they act as if there's nobody to impress.
91. I think one half of being smart is answering questions, the other half is knowing to ask them.
92. I like to be underestimated.
93. I love my dad more than any person in the world. My mom is cool too.
94. I feel that I am most myself around women who I am not hitting on.
95. Guys brag too much and that pisses me off, although my lack of braggadocio has led to my next point.
96. I've been accused of being gay more than once in the past.
97. People tell me I don't give off a feminine vibe or anything, they're just surprised I don't fuck everything that moves and start to speculate.
98. I've fucked things that moved but I only tell close friends.
99. I know what people think I might be gay, so I'll say some real gay shit around them just to keep them guessing.
100. If I were gay, I'd like to think that I'm the type of person that would have come out of the closet by now.
101. Why am I so fascinated by homosexuality?
102. But I don't watch Bravo.
102 baby.